Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Comparison - Dog breed selector: Yorkeltie or Cavoodle or Maltapoo? Find the right dog for you | Dogell.com (2024)

"Find similarities and differences between Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo"Compare Yorkeltie and Cavapoo. Which is better: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

  • Size and Weight
  • Price and Availability
  • Trainability and Intelligence
  • Personality and Temperament
  • Activity and Playfulness
  • Adaptability and Independence
  • Bite Characteristics
  • Health and Lifespan
  • Energy and Activity
  • Diet and Weight Management
  • Allergies and Grooming
  • Good With
  • As a Working Dog
  • Reproducibility
  • Recognition

NameYorkeltie Cavapoo Maltipoo
OriginsYorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Comparison - Dog breed selector: Yorkeltie or Cavoodle or Maltapoo? Find the right dog for you | Dogell.com (4)England Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Comparison - Dog breed selector: Yorkeltie or Cavoodle or Maltapoo? Find the right dog for you | Dogell.com (5)Scotland Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Comparison - Dog breed selector: Yorkeltie or Cavoodle or Maltapoo? Find the right dog for you | Dogell.com (6)Australia Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Comparison - Dog breed selector: Yorkeltie or Cavoodle or Maltapoo? Find the right dog for you | Dogell.com (7)Germany Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Comparison - Dog breed selector: Yorkeltie or Cavoodle or Maltapoo? Find the right dog for you | Dogell.com (8)France Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Comparison - Dog breed selector: Yorkeltie or Cavoodle or Maltapoo? Find the right dog for you | Dogell.com (9)Italy

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GroupDesigner Dogs Companion Dogs Designer Dogs
Popularity Rank652555558
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Other Names

What other names do they have?

No data available Cavoodle Maltapoo
Breed Type

Which dog is purebred or crossbreed? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo breed type comparison:

Cross Breed Cross Breed Cross Breed

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Size and Weight Comparison


Which is bigger, Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Which is the smallest dog, Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?


Which is heavier, Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Cavapoo? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo weight comparison:

14-27 pounds (6-12 kg) 12-24 pounds (5.4-11 kg) 5-20 pounds (2,5-9 kg)
Average Weight

Which dog has a smaller / higher average weight?

20.5 pounds (9 kg) 18 pounds (5.7.5 kg) 12.5 pounds (5,5 kg)

Which is taller, Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo height comparison:

13-16 inches (33-41 cm) 11-18 inches (28-45 cm) 10-13 inches (25-33 cm)
Average Height

Which dog has a smaller / higher average height?

14.5 inches (37 cm) 14.5 inches (36.5 cm) 11.5 inches (27 cm)

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Price and Availability Comparison


Which is cheaper, Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Which is more expensive?

$600-$1000 $1200-$1800 $400-$2000

Which is easier to get, Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Average: The Yorkeltie is a commonly available dog breed.

Rare: You may rarely see each other in everyday life, but you might catch a glimpse of each other at dog shows.

Frequent: The Maltipoo is easier than average to get.

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Trainability and Intelligence Comparison

Intelligent Rank

Which is the smarter dog? Which is best? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo intelligence:

Outstanding: Yorkeltie is one of the brightest dog breeds.

See more.

Very smart: Cavapoo is an excellent dog breed.

See more.

Smart: The Maltipoo dogs have great intelligence.

See more.

Smartest Dog Breeds


Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo trainability comparison.

Yorkeltie dogs are quite easy to train.

See more.

Cavapoo dogs are very easy to train.

See more.

Maltipoo dogs are easy to train.

See more.

Least Obedient Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds That Easy To Train

Watchdog Ability

Which is the better watchdog: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Yorkeltie dogs are good watchdogs.

See more.

Cavapoo dogs are one of the best watchdogs.

See more.

Maltipoo dogs are one of the best watchdogs.

See more.
Guarding Behavior / Territorial

Which is a better guard dog Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?Which dog is most likely to protect its owner?Which is the best dog to use for protection?

Yorkeltie dogs are extremely protective guard dogs.

See more.

Cavapoo dogs are not the best to protect their territory.

See more.

Maltipoo dogs are average defenders.

See more.

Guard Dog Breeds List

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Personality and Temperament Comparison


Which one has a better personality? Which is a better family dog, Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo behavior/temperament comparison:

Sensitivity Level

Which dog is more sensitive? What's the difference?

Sensitive: Yorkeltie dogs don't like an irregular daily routine, noisy household, and frequent guest visits.

See more.

They are a little bit more sensitive than other dog breeds.

See more.

They are a little bit more sensitive than other dog breeds.

See more.

Most Sensitive Dog Breeds

Less Sensitive Dog Breeds

Affection Level

Which is the more affectionate dog breed: Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo?

High: Yorkeltie dogs are genuinely loyal, soft and gentle, loving, and affectionate dogs toward their handlers.

See more.

High: Cavapoo dogs are genuinely loyal, soft and gentle, loving, and affectionate dogs toward their handlers.

See more.

High: Maltipoo dogs are genuinely loyal, soft and gentle, loving, and affectionate dogs toward their handlers.

See more.

Most Affectionate Dog Breeds

Social Needs

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo social needs comparison:

Yorkeltie dogs need a lot of social interaction.

See more.

Cavapoo dogs need a lot of social interaction.

See more.

Maltipoo dogs are a social breed.

See more.
Impulse to Wander or Roam

Which dog has a greater roaming instinct?

Yorkeltie dogs have average wanderlust potential.

See more.

Cavapoo dogs tend to escape less than other breeds.

See more.

The wanderlust potential of the Maltipoo is strong enough to escape from home.

See more.
Prey Drive

Which dog has a higher prey drive? Which can be better for hunting?

Yorkeltie dogs have an average prey drive, which means that they don't have a high impulse to chase and catch something like a cat or any other small aminals, but it might happen.

See more.

Cavapoo dogs have an average prey drive, which means that they don't have a high impulse to chase and catch something like a cat or any other small aminals, but it might happen.

See more.

Maltipoo dogs have low to an average impulse to chase and catch something like a cat or any other small aminals.

See more.

Dog Breeds With Low Prey Drive

Dog Breeds With High Prey Drive

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Activity and Playfulness Comparison


Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo playfulness comparison:

Average: Yorkelties, like any other dog breed, like playing.

See more.

Average: Cavapoos, like any other dog breed, like playing.

See more.

The Maltipoo is a playful breed.

See more.

Most Playful Dog Breeds


Which dog barks more/less: Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo?

A lot: Yorkeltie is a particularly loud breed.

See more.

Average: The Cavapoo barks occasionally.

See more.

A lot: Maltipoo is a particularly loud breed.

See more.

Quiet Dog Breeds That Don't Bark

Dog Breeds That Bark The Most

Apartment Friendly

Which dog is more apartment friendly Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Apartment-friendly dog the Yorkeltie breed.

Very house-friendly dog the Cavapoo breed.

Very house-friendly dog the Maltipoo breed.

The Worst Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Apartment Friendly Dogs List

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Adaptability and Independence Comparison


Which dog has a higher adaptability potential? Which is the better dog?

Yorkeltie dogs adapt very well to lifestyle changes and basically all living environments.

Cavapoo dogs adapt very well to lifestyle changes and basically all living environments.

Maltipoo dogs adapt well to lifestyle changes and different living environments.

Tolerates Being Left Alone

Which dog can be left alone: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Yorkeltie dogs tend to have separation anxiety when their owners left them alone at home because they bond very closely with them.

Cavapoo dogs tend to have separation anxiety when their owners left them alone at home because they bond very closely with them.

Maltipoo dogs do best when a family member is at home during the day or if their workplace is dog-friendly so they can take the dog at work.

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Bite Characteristics Comparison

Bite Force PSI

Which bite is stronger: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Between 100 and 200 PSI 🔽

Yorkeltie bite force: Weak.

Between 100 and 200 PSI 🔽

Cavapoo bite force: Weak.

Between 100 and 200 PSI 🔽

Maltipoo bite force: Weak.

Dog Breeds With The Lowest Bite Force

Dog Breeds With the Strongest Bite Force

Biting Potential

Which breed of dog is most likely to bite? Biting potential comparison:

Low 🔽

The Yorkeltie has a low chance of biting somebody.

Low 🔽

The Cavapoo has a low chance of biting somebody.

Low 🔽

The Maltipoo has a low chance of biting somebody.


Which is the better dog? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo mouthiness comparison:

Yorkeltie dogs have a lower than average tendency to nip, chew, playbite, or herd people.

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Cavapoo dogs have an average tendency to nip, chew, playbite, or herd people.

See more.

Maltipoo dogs have an average tendency to nip, chew, playbite, or herd people.

See more.

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Health and Lifespan Comparison

Health Issues

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo health comparison. Which is the healthier: Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo?

Yorkelties are commonly healthy dogs.

Very healthy dog breed.

Maltipoos tend to have more frequent health issues than other breeds.

Healthiest Dog Breeds

Health Problems

Which one has more or less genetic/health problems: Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo? What are the allergies, genetic diseases and concerns for them? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo health problems comparison:

Collapsed Trachea
Hip Dysplasia
Patellar Luxation
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
Von Willebrand's Disease
Heart Problems
Drug Sensitivity
Elbow Dysplasia
Collie Eye Anomaly
Portosystemic Liver Shunt
Reverse Sneezing
Hip Dysplasia
Patellar Luxation
Legg-perthes Disease
Patellar Luxation
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
Portosystemic Liver Shunt
White Dog Shaker Syndrome
Veterinarian Visits

Which one may need more or less veterinary visits?


The Yorkeltie should have a complete physical check-up at least every 12-18 months (but preferably once per year).


The Cavapoo should have a complete physical check-up at least every 12-18 months (but preferably once per year).


The Maltipoo should have a complete physical check-up at least once (but preferably twice) per year.

Longest Living Dog Breeds

Life Expectancy

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo lifespan comparison. How long do Yorkeltie, Cavapoo and Maltipoo breeds live? Which one has a longer lifespan/life expectancy?

12-16 years

The average lifespan of Yorkeltie: 14 years

9-15 years

The average lifespan of Cavapoo: 12 years

9-13 years

The average lifespan of Maltipoo: 11 years

Calculate dog years to human years by breed here

Weather and Climate

Which dog is best for hot or cold weather: Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo?

Prefers average to warm weather conditions

Different dogs have different preferences when it comes to weather conditions.

See more.
Prefers average to cold weather conditions

The Cavapoo can adapt to well to cold weather conditions, some dogs even can be a good mountain dog.

See more.
Prefers average to warm weather conditions

Different dogs have different preferences when it comes to weather conditions.

See more.

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Energy and Activity Comparison

Energy Level

Who has more energy a Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo energy level comparison:

Yorkeltie dogs are high-energy dogs.

Cavapoo dogs have a higher energy level than other dog breeds.

Maltipoo dogs have an average energy level, so if you live a semi-active life, this breed can be a good choice for you.

Low-Energy Dog Breeds

High-Energy Dog Breeds

Activity Requirement / Exercise Need

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo exercise need comparison. Which dog needs more activity? Which dog needs the most exercise: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Which dog needs the most walking? Which dog is the laziest?

Yorkeltie dogs exercise need is minimal.

Cavapoo dogs have an average exercise need.

Maltipoo dogs have an average exercise need.

Sleeping Need

Which one sleeps the least/most: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Yorkeltie dogs are quite energetic dogs and they don't spend too much time with sleeping.

Cavapoo dogs are quite energetic dogs and they don't spend too much time with sleeping.

Maltipoo dogs sleep 12-14 hours a day as an average dog and they're not considered a lazy breed.

Dog Breeds That Sleep A Lot

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Diet and Weight Management Comparison

Average daily food consumption

Which dog eats more: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

2 to 3 cups of high-quality dry food a day, divided into two meals. 0.5 to 1.5 cups of high-quality dry food a day, divided into two meals. 0.5 to 1.5 cups of high-quality dry food a day, divided into two meals.

Dog Breeds That Eat A Lot

Weight Gain Potential / Prone to Obesity

Which dog breed is more prone to obesity? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo weight gain potential comparison:

Average: The Yorkeltie has an average risk for obesity.

See more.

Average to High: If you don't pay attention to the Cavapoo's weight, he can easily gain weight.

See more.

Low to Average: The Maltipoo has a low to the average risk for obesity.

See more.

Dog Breeds Prone To Obesity

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Allergies and Grooming Comparison

Coat / Hair Types

What type of coat/fur do they have? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo coat comparison:


What are the original Yorkeltie, Cavapoo and Maltipoo color?

Red sable
Almost all colors

Which dog is easy to maintain, Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo grooming comparison:

Professional: This breed needs a lot of work to keep in good condition.

See more.

Advanced: The Cavapoo requires a lot of grooming.

See more.

Average: The Maltipoo requires average grooming effort.

See more.

Low-Maintenance Dog Breeds

High-Maintenance Dog Breeds

Shedding Level

Who sheds more Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or {name3 shedding:

Yorkeltie dogs are low shedders.

See more.

Cavapoo dogs shed moderately.

See more.

Maltipoo dogs shed none to minimal.

See more.

Low-Shedding Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds That Shed The Most

Bath Time / Bathing Frequency

Which dog should be bathed more: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

3-4 weeks

More often than average. These dog coats tend to be longer, softer, and oilier than short-haired breeds.

See more.
3-4 weeks

More often than average. These dog coats tend to be longer, softer, and oilier than short-haired breeds.

See more.
3-4 weeks

More often than average. These dog coats tend to be longer, softer, and oilier than short-haired breeds.

See more.

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo hypoallergenic comparison. Which dog is hypoallergenic or not?

No See more.Yes See more.Yes See more.

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds


Which dog breed smells the least? Which dog smells the most? Which is best, Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo?


The Yorkeltie has an average chance of bad smell.


The Cavapoo has an average chance of bad smell.

Low 🔽

The Maltipoo has a low chance of bad smell.

Drooling Tendency

Which dog drools the most? Which dog drools the least?

The Yorkeltie is a perfect example of a very low drooling tendency.

See more.

The Cavapoo is a perfect example of a very low drooling tendency.

See more.

The Maltipoo is a perfect example of a very low drooling tendency.

See more.

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Good With Comparison

Pet Friendly

Which dog breeds get along well with other animals/pets?

Yorkeltie dogs are one of the friendliest dog breeds.

Cavapoo dogs are generally with other pets.

Maltipoo dogs are usually friendly towards other pets.

Stranger Friendly

Which dog is more stranger friendly Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Which dog is more friendly?

Yorkeltie dogs are average friendly towards strangers.

Cavapoo dogs are very stranger-friendly dogs.

Maltipoo dogs are stranger-friendly dogs.

Dog Breeds That Are Aloof With Strangers

Dog Breeds That Are Friendly To Strangers

Child Friendly

Which dog is more child/kid friendly Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Yorkeltie dogs are average friendly dogs towards children.

Cavapoo dogs are average friendly dogs towards children.

Maltipoo dogs are kid-friendly dogs.

Kid-Friendly Dog Breeds

Cat Friendly

Which dog is more cat friendly Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Yorkeltie dogs are very cat-friendly dogs.

Cavapoo dogs are average friendly towards cats.

Maltipoo dogs are cat-friendly dogs.

Dog Breeds That Get Along Well With Cats

Dog Friendly

Which dog is more dog friendly Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo?

Yorkeltie dogs are average friendly towards other dogs.

Cavapoo dogs are very dog-friendly dogs.

Maltipoo dogs are very dog-friendly dogs.

Good For First Time Owners

Which dog is good for the first-time owners: Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo?


Yorkeltie dogs are good for novice owners, due to their easy-going personality.


Cavapoo dogs are good for novice owners, due to their easy-going personality.


Maltipoo dogs are good for novice owners, due to their easy-going personality.

Office Friendly

Which one fits better in the office?


Yorkeltie is not the best dog breed for office environment.


Cavapoo is not the best dog breed for office environment.


Maltipoo is not the best dog breed for office environment.

Senior Citizens Friendly

Which dog is good for elderly people?

Yorkelties are commonly okay with elderly people.

Cavapoos are commonly okay with elderly people.

Maltipoos are usually recommended for elderly people.

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo As a Working Dog Comparison

Service Dog

Which one could be a service dog?

Not really

This breed generally not used as a service dog.

See more.


This breed makes good as a service dog.

See more.


This breed makes good as a service dog.

See more.

Most Popular Service Dog Breeds

Therapy Dog

Which one could be a therapy dog: Yorkeltie or Cavapoo or Maltipoo? Which is better for autism?


This breed makes a perfect therapy dog.

See more.


This breed makes a perfect therapy dog.

See more.


This breed makes a perfect therapy dog.

See more.

Therapy Dog Breeds

Detection Dog or Sniffer Dog

Which one could be a detection/sniffer dog?

Not really

They are not typically employed for this type of work, but there may be exceptional cases.

Not really

They are not typically employed for this type of work, but there may be exceptional cases.

Not really

They are not typically employed for this type of work, but there may be exceptional cases.

Search and Rescue Dog (SAR)

Which one could be a search and rescue dog?

Not really

This dog breed is not typically used as a search and rescue dog.

Not really

This dog breed is not typically used as a search and rescue dog.

Not really

This dog breed is not typically used as a search and rescue dog.

Boat and Sailor Dog

Which one could be a boat dog: Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo?

Not really

Yorkeltie breed usually doesn't like being on a boat.

See more.


Cavapoo breed usually likes being on a boat.

See more.

Not really

Maltipoo breed usually doesn't like being on a boat.

See more.
Cart Pulling or Drafting Dog

Which one could be a cart pulling or drafting dog?

Not really

A drafting dog or draft dog is a dog bred and used for cart pulling.

See more.

Not really

A drafting dog or draft dog is a dog bred and used for cart pulling.

See more.

Not really

A drafting dog or draft dog is a dog bred and used for cart pulling.

See more.
Fighting Dog / Military Dog

Not really

In history, this breed was not really used for combat dog.

Not really

In history, this breed was not really used for combat dog.

Not really

In history, this breed was not really used for combat dog.

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Reproducibility Comparison

Gestation Length60-64 days See more.60-64 days See more.60-64 days See more.
Litter Frequency

Once a year.

More frequent breeding is not healthy.

See more.

Once a year.

More frequent breeding is not healthy.

See more.

Once a year.

More frequent breeding is not healthy.

See more.
Litter Size

How many puppies can Yorkeltie and Cavapoo and Maltipoo have?

4-6 puppies 2-8 puppies 4-6 puppies

Dog Name Generator – Find A Perfect Name For Your Puppy

Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Recognition Comparison

AKC Group

Which dog is recognized by the AKC?

Not recognized by the American Kennel Club. Not recognized by the American Kennel Club. Not recognized by the American Kennel Club.
FCI Group

Which dog is recognized by the FCI?

Not recognized by FCI. Not recognized by FCI. Not recognized by FCI.
Breed Recognition

What other organizations and kennel clubs recognize these dog breeds?

Not recognized by any clubs. Dog Registry of America Inc.
American Canine Hybrid Club
Designer Breed Registry
Designer Dogs Kennel Club
International Designer Canine Registry
Continental Kennel Club
American Canine Hybrid Club
Designer Breed Registry
Designer Dogs Kennel Club
National Maltipoo Club
Maltipoo Club of America

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    Yorkeltie vs Cavapoo vs Maltipoo Comparison - Dog breed selector: Yorkeltie or Cavoodle or Maltapoo? Find the right dog for you | Dogell.com (2024)
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    Author: Rob Wisoky

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    Name: Rob Wisoky

    Birthday: 1994-09-30

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    Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.